Better sleep.
For baby and you.

Whether sleep training or soothing a newborn, Lizzy's Guided Programs and 24/7 instant sleep chat walk alongside you in your baby sleep journey.

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When did baby sleep become so complicated and hard?

As parents, we know, your baby's sleep can be the difference between thriving and surviving. With the internet, there's now an endless buffet of Google searches, Reddit posts, social media influencers, gadgets, and books about baby sleep. But what sources do you trust? How do you know if you're doing it right?

As a sleep consultant and mom of four, I've helped over a thousand families achieve better sleep, including my own.

What's my secret method and formula?  Nothing you probably can't find online already. Ultimately, it's good old fashioned consistency, accountability, and personalization to each family.

Baby sleep is like diet and exercise; anyone can learn about a great exercise routine or what makes good healthy meals, but actually sticking with a plan is hard.

We wanted to bring this support to more families, so Lizzy Sleep app was born. With Guided Programs, 24/7 instant sleep chat, and other helpful tools, Lizzy doesn't just teach you, but keeps you accountable and cheers you on as you teach your baby sleep skills. She's your own personal baby sleep trainer.

If you're ready to help your family sleep better, Lizzy is ready to help. Good sleep is around the corner.

Ensley Nesbitt

Mom of Scarlett, Nora, Ellis, Everly
Co-Founder, Lizzy Sleep
Owner, Sleep Baby Consulting

Ernie Park

Dad of Zachary, Lily
Co-Founder, Lizzy Sleep

Guided Sleep Programs

Learn, Commit, Apply

Personalized sleep programs that not only help you learn about baby sleep, but help you commit to a plan and apply its lessons. Choose from three different programs that meet you where you are and are tailored to you and your family.

Lizzy Sleep Guided Programs
Lizzy Sleep Chat Support

24/7 Instant Sleep Chat

Ask Lizzy anything (almost)

...anything about sleep that is.

Lizzy is an AI trained on our real, successful 1:1 sleep consultations. She never sleeps, so you can ask questions, even at 3am. Lizzy is always supervised by expert (human) sleep consultants.

Troubleshoot. Get answers. Feel confident.

Sleep Tracking & Schedule Autocomplete

Track, Predict, Sleep

Don't just track your baby's sleep schedule, Autocomplete it.

Lizzy combines her knowledge about your child and their schedule to recommend appropriate schedules and help you learn more about your child's sleep patterns.

Feature coming soon!

Frequently Asked Questions

Lizzy Sleep